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Results for articles that contain the tag or are tagged with "charts"

left handed guitar chord chart paper
Left handed chord chart paper is great for transposing right hand guitar chord charts to left handed charts. Use it for archiving your own riffs too. Blank Guitar...

how to read guitar chord charts
Learning how to read guitar chord charts can be confusing for beginners due to the many different styles of diagrams used in books, posters and on the Internet....

guitar chords in the key of c major and a minor
Have you ever wanted to know what guitar chords you can play on each scale degree in the key of C Major? Look no further because I have put together a huge list...

guitar chord chart paper
Chord chart paper is great for writing down chord shapes. Use it to practice while learning chords or for writing down the riffs you create. See also:...

guitar chords
Ultimate guitar chord book If you are looking for a free guitar chord book to reference, then look no further. Here you will find a free eBook download in PDF...

guitar chord chart
Here are two free guitar chord chart PDFs that are great for beginners and pros alike. One has 144 of the most common chord types in all 12 keys and a smaller...

minor scales for piano
As you may already know, the same technology I used to make guitar scale charts was used to make them for piano too. Below are the minor scale charts for piano in...

custom guitar graphics
Make your guitar lessons stand out with cool graphics! Need customized graphics for your guitar lessons, website/blog, eBooks or videos? If so I can offer you my...

blues scales
The Blues scales are a fun group of scales used in Blues and other types of music. They are based off of the Pentatonic minor scale but with an added flattened...

basic guitar chords for beginners with fingering
In this short article I present to you some of the commonly used basic guitar chords for beginners as well as their fingerings (finger numbers). The basic chords...

enigmatic scale
When the Enigmatic scale was invented it was presented to music theorists as sort of a puzzle (an enigma) to harmonize. It was a difficult task because the scale...

prometheus scale
The Prometheus scale is an interesting 6 tone scale known as a scale. Prometheus in Greek mythology was a Titan who...

melodic minor scales
The Melodic minor scale is derived from the raising the 6th and 7th degrees of the Natural minor or the 6th degree of the...

a chord on guitar in all positions
For those of you who may have struggled with learning to play an A chord on guitar, this lesson is for you. You might be having trouble with a certain shape so...

hungarian minor scales
The Hungarian Minor scale is a scale often used to create an exotic feel in music. It is a fun sounding scale to learn to play with fun fingerings. It has the...

barre chords for guitar
In this lesson I will show you many different types of barre chords for guitar. I will show you some of the most common shapes and also shapes you may have never...

guitar strumming patterns for beginners
Strumming patterns are different ways you can strum chords rhythmically on your guitar to bring life to your music and your chord changes. Here is a big list of...

happy birthday guitar tab Happy Birthday is probably the most popular song in history. Everyone gets a serenade...

bebop scales
Bebop scales are heavily used in modern Jazz music. They are based off of the Major and minor scales but with added passing tones. Even if you are not into Jazz,...

guitar scales
Welcome to Guitar scales! This page serves as a kind of directory for everything relating to scales on my site. It is my hope that this page will help you find...