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Results for articles that contain the tag or are tagged with "charts"

pentatonic scales
The Pentatonic scales are a staple of modern rock, blues and pop music. They are usually the first scales beginner guitarists learn to play. This article and...

left handed guitar chord chart
I get requests all the time from lefty guitarists for charts and diagrams that are easy for them to read. This printable left handed guitar chords chart can be...

all guitar chords in open position
Have you ever wanted to know all the guitar chords you could possibly play in the open position? Well now you can! I made this handy reference you can download and...

guitar fretboard paper
Sometimes it's nice to have blank fretboards to draw your own guitar neck charts and diagrams. So here are three different styles you can save to your computer...

japanese taishikicho scale
You don't have to play traditional Japanese music on a shamisen to appreciate this fun scale. The Japanese Taishikicho scale is an exotic nine note scale...

major scales for piano
Piano scales can be useful for guitarists too! On this page you will find the Major scale diagrams / charts in all 12 keys arranged by the circle of 5ths for...

harmonic major scales
The Harmonic Major scale is an interesting scale often used in Jazz music. It is a real treat to learn and fun to experiment with. Learning it might even help you...

neapolitan scales
The Neapolitan scales are a group of exotic scales you can learn to play to breath new life into your melodic lines. The Neapolitan name implies these scale...

18 ways to play the f chord on guitar
Do you have problems learning how to play the F chord on guitar? If so, did you know there 17 other ways you can play it? I'm sure there are more than 18 ways...

japanese ichikosucho scale
The Japanese Ichikosucho scale is an eight note scale that can be seen as a Major scale with an added raised 4th (#4) or added flat 5th (b5). The scale is great...

harmonic minor scales
The Harmonic minor scales are used in all types of music from classical to Metal. They usually have a sort of dark yet exotic sound when used (Yngwie Malmsteen...

how to play guitar fast
This article all about the things you must do in order to learn how to play guitar fast! If you follow the included tips in this article as well as read the other...

piano chords
It's always nice to have a good piano chord chart reference near by. This interactive chords chart app is great for beginners because it shows you the...

chord construction part 1 learn how to build guitar chords
In this first part of a three part series of guitar lessons you will learn all about the theory of chord construction. I will cover basic chord construction of...

guitar chords and scales
The Ultimate Guitar Chords and Scales Generator. Welcome to the ultimate guitar chords and scales app! This all in one guitar chord and scale generator has many...

major and minor guitar scales and modes
This guitar scales fretboard chart generator will show you all the Major and minor guitar scales and modes with tons of customizable tunings. Just select your...

easy guitar songs with 4 chords
4 chord song progressions It's amazing what you can do with only four guitar chords. So amazing in fact that many artists have made their fortunes with songs...