Major Scales For Piano
Piano scales can be useful for guitarists too! On this page you will find the Major scale diagrams / charts in all 12 keys arranged by the circle of 5ths for piano. Knowing your piano scales can help you in a pinch. Maybe you need to tune your guitar to a keyboard or just show the keyboardist of your band your musical ideas. Whatever the case, you can get familiar with Major scales on piano by using the diagrams below. See also: piano scales
See also the New Piano
Download as PDF
You can download these piano scale diagrams as a PDF ebook. Download HERE: Major Scales for Piano
C Major
Notes: C D E F G A B
G Major
Notes: G A B C D E F#
D Major
Notes: D E F# G A B C#
A Major
Notes: A B C# D E F# G#
E Major
Notes: E F# G# A B C# D#
B Major
Notes: B C# D# E F# G# A#
F Major
Notes: F G A Bb C D E
Bb Major
Notes: Bb C D Eb F G A
Eb Major
Notes: Eb F G Ab Bb C D
Ab Major
Notes: Ab Bb C Db Eb F G
Db Major
Notes: Db Eb F Gb Ab Bb C
Gb Major
Notes: Gb Ab Bb Cb Db Eb F

Posted May 16, 2016, 9:37 am in: Piano scales

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