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Harmonic Minor Scales For Guitar

Harmonic minor scales

The Harmonic minor scales are used in all types of music from classical to Metal. They usually have a sort of dark yet exotic sound when used (Yngwie Malmsteen uses them!). Use the scale chart generator below to help you learn the Harmonic minor scales in any key and just about any kind of guitar tuning. Near the bottom of the page I also provide a PDF download of all Harmonic minor keys in standard tuning.

Harmonic minor scale diagrams

Switch to:
7 string guitar
6 string guitar
Bass Guitar

Change tuning - Current tuning: E-A-D-g-b-e
Standard | Drop D | Drop B
Tune by string:
6 5 4 3 2 1 go
*** Change a string then press "go" then choose scale to view

Turn off pattern box Turn on moveable pattern box

isolatorguitar fretboard
flip - L R

Harmonic minor scales in all keys

A | E | B | F# | C# | G# | D | G | C | F | Bb | Eb

Harmonic minor modes

All though not very common, the Harmonic minor scale can be thought of as having 7 modes just like the Major scale does. The most popular method of naming them uses the Major scale mode names and the sharped note degree from the Harmonic minor like the following:

Mode 1 Aeolian #7
Mode 2 Locrian #6
Mode 3 Ionian #5
Mode 4 Dorian #4
Mode 5 Phrygian #3
Mode 6 Lydian #2
Mode 7 Mixolydian #1

5 box patterns to memorize

Learn 5 moveable patterns in order to memorize the Harmonic minor all over the fretboard. If you are new to learning this scale, see this lesson for more information.

F# Harmonic minor scale Box 1

Click the links below to toggle between patterns.

Box pattern 1 | Box pattern 2 | Box pattern 3 | Box pattern 4 | Box pattern 5

Download PDF

Click the download image below to download a PDF of all fretboard charts for Harmonic minor keys in standard tuning.

Guitar scales download


I hope you have hours of enjoyment creating Harmonic minor fretboard diagrams. Don't forget... you can right click and "save image" on any diagram to save it to your computer and even print them.

harmonic minor scales for guitar

Posted December 29, 2015, 8:06 am in: Scales


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